Membership Requirements: Everyone who uses our firearm facilities, whether a member, guest, or student, will be required to sign an agreement stating they have not been convicted of a felony and will abide by all Range rules, local, state and federal laws. Everyone must also sign a liability waiver prior to utilizing any GRSS facility or range. Those applying for membership agree to have a background check run. Active Law Enforcement and members already in possession of a valid LTC/CHL license will be exempted from further background checks. Applicants may also furnish proof of a recent firearm purchase to satisfy background compliance. It is the policy of GRSS to accept applications for membership from any individual, couple, or business that meets the requirements established by GRSS, without regard to age, race, color, creed, gender, religion, or national origin, nor shall such matters ever be made a condition of Membership. No application for Membership shall be effective until the application is completed and signed by the primary member and submitted to GRSS with the required membership fee. Once the application is accepted and approved, the member must then complete the orientation and Acting Range Safety Officer class. GRSS reserves the right to approve or reject any membership application.
Members Right to Cancel: You may cancel membership at any time by sending written notice to GRSS. The membership fee shall be earned in full upon receipt and shall be non-refundable in the event of your cancellation of the membership or the termination by GRSS for any reason.
Right to Suspend or Terminate Membership: Any violation of GRSS rules, policies, or local, state, and federal laws by you, your family members or your guest shall be grounds for immediate suspension or termination of all of or part of your Membership privileges. Any conduct which, in the opinion of GRSS management in its sole discretion, is prejudicial to the welfare, good order, and character of GRSS, shall also be grounds for suspension or termination of all of or part of your Membership. GRSS management along with its’ legal council will have sole discretion with regards to suspension and termination of all or part of ones’ Membership.
Alcohol Policy: NO alcoholic beverages allowed on range facilities. Anyone who has consumed or appears to have consumed alcohol, intoxicants or medications that impair ones’ abilities, will be denied access to range facilities. The GRSS building will be located at the front of the property with the electronic gate, which controls access to the firearm ranges, further down the graveled road. If the building is rented by members or other groups for an occasion not involving firearms or archery, then alcohol is allowed. In this case, all firearms and archery equipment of attendees must be secured and access to ranges will not be permitted.
Guest Policy: Members who bring guests or family members must go through a block of instruction on how to be an Acting Range Safety Officer as they will be responsible for their guests. This instruction will be given as soon as time permits and schedules allow. There will be no fee for this instruction. Members are responsible for supervising their family members and guests at all times they are on GRSS premises and for any damages they may cause. If a member wishes to bring more than five guests or family members, additional RSO’s must be hired. One RSO per five additional shooters. Members must be in a position to observe their guests at all times while on the firing line unless another RSO is present to supervise the line.
ID Policy: Upon request by any GRSS staff, members will furnish valid ID or membership card for identification purposes.
Sales and Use Tax: GRSS is required by Texas State Law to collect sales and use tax at the rate of 6.25%.
Range Safety Officers will not always be present during normal business days. When RSO’s are present, they have final say over range operation. Anytime there is a class or large shooting event, RSO’s will be present. When RSO’s are not present and multiple members are shooting on the same range, members must collaborate with each other for the purpose of safety concerns.
• Moving and shooting drills, competitions and multi-gun stages must be approved by GRSS staff and may require approved RSO’s.
• GRSS staff will post whether the ranges will be run hot or cold during classes and shooting events.
• Walk-Ins (general public) will Not be allowed unless a scheduled, open event is in progress.
• Members will be notified, either by e-mail, text, or website of all upcoming classes, shooting events and facility rentals for planning and attendance purposes. All communications between you and GRSS will be by e-mail or personal delivery. Accordingly, you must maintain a valid e-mail account and update GRSS with any changes.
• At this time GRSS will not have daily liability insurance but will have special event coverage for any large events held.
• Firearm ranges will be assessed for lead removal on a regular as needed basis.
• Shooters may collect their brass. Any brass left on the range becomes the property of GRSS.
• The types of Memberships available, cost thereof, total number of members allowed, and all other matters affecting or relating to the members or memberships shall be at the sole discretion and control of GRSS.
• The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of the member agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms or provisions hereof, which shall remain unmodified and in full force and effect.
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